Gadolinium oxide

 Gadolinium oxide is a chemical compound of the elements gadolinium and oxygen and belongs to the group of metal oxides.

Gadolinium oxide is a white, odorless powder and is insoluble in water. Gd2O3 is hygroscopic and absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide from the air. There are three different modifications (A, B, and C type). The A-type has a hexagonal crystal lattice, the B-type is a monoclinic distortion of the A-type and the C-type has an isomorphic cubic manganese (III) oxide structure. At room temperature it crystallizes in the C-type, the other two structures are only stable at higher temperatures.

Gadolinium (III) oxide is used for the production of fluorescent powders, as a host lattice for phosphors, for the production of special optical glasses with a high refractive index, in control rods of nuclear reactors and as a contrast agent in pharmaceutical diagnostics. Furthermore, gadolium oxide is used for the production of magneto-optical memories in the form of GGG (Gallium-Gadolinium-Garnet Gd3Ga5O12) or partly substituted as GGCMZ (Gallium-Gadolinium-Calcium-Magnesium-Zirconium-Garnet (Gd, Ca) 3 (Ga, Mg, Zr) 5O12) are used.

Order gadolinium (III) oxide Gd2O3 / TREO: 99.99%.

Gadolinium oxide
Other names: gadolinium oxide / digadolinium trioxide / gadolinia
Chemical formula: Gd2O3
Molar mass: 362.49 g.mol ? 1
Physical state: solid
Density: 7.41 g cm ? 3
Melting point: 1900-2330 ° C

