Germanium 99.999%

The element germanium is in the periodic system of semimetallic series, but it is classified as semiconductor according to the newer definition. Germanium is a silver luster, hard and very brittle material. Under high pressure, brittle materials fracture and show fracture surface similar to that of silicon. Also in chemical behavior, germanium is similar to silicon. It's relatively reactive and very air resistant. When boiling in pure oxygen, germanium powder will be oxidized to germanium oxide (IV). In the form of powder, it is an inflammatory solid that can be easily ignited by the short-term effect of a fire source. Even if the ignition source was removed, it continued to burn. Like many substances, the greater the risk of ignition, the finer the distribution of substances. However, it is not flammable in a compact form.
Germanium is one of the few materials with abnormal density. The density of a solid is lower than that of a liquid. When heated above the melting point, the density increases by about 4% and the volume increases by about 6% when cured.
The conductivity at room temperature is not very good. However, the conductivity increases sharply under heating. When foreign atoms (such as aluminum or antimony) are added, the conductivity can be increased. When you use arsenic, you get an n-semiconductor and a gallium, a p-semiconductor.

Germanium can be binary and Quaternary. Germanium (IV) compounds have the strongest resistance. Germanium is not eroded by hydrochloric acid, potassium alloy and dilute sulfuric acid. In alkaline hydrogen peroxide solution, concentrated nitric acid and concentrated hot sulfuric acid, it is dissolved by the formation of germanium dioxide hydrate.

In the 1920s. In the 19th century, germanium was the leading semiconductor material in the field of electronics. For example, for the production of transistors. Now, in this area, it has been replaced by much cheaper silicon. For special applications, it is still rarely used as a semiconductor, such as in high frequency technology and detector technology.
Today, germanium is mainly used in optical applications, such as the production of light wave conductors for night vision equipment, thermal imaging cameras, special windows and even fiber optic cables.
Therefore, Germany plays an important role in expanding Internet connectivity in the 21st century.

Other applications include nuclear medicine and nuclear technology, the incorporation of germanium into food supplements, and the specialized use of germanium.

Toxicology and hazards
As germanium or its compounds are rarely exposed to human beings, little is known about its toxicological effects. In metal Germany, it may be classified as small to nonexistent. So far, germanium poisoning has only occurred in humans after the intake of inorganic germanium compounds as food supplements. The initial symptoms are loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss and muscle weakness. The next step is to start over
Compound germanium hydrogen (geh4) is a kind of highly toxic gas with very low odor. It will spontaneously ignite in the air with blue flame. It is produced by the action of acid on germanium compounds.
