Erbium oxide

 Erbium oxide is a chemical compound of the elements erbium and oxygen and belongs to the group of metal oxides.

Erbium (III) oxide is a hygroscopic pink powder that is insoluble in water and soluble in mineral acids. It has a cubic crystal structure.

Erbium (III) oxide is widely used in the glass industry. E.g. for coloring glasses and ceramics. Since it absorbs infrared light in the corresponding glasses, it is used for protective goggles in the glass and steel industry. It also serves as the starting material for the production of pure erbium and is used in laser technology and other technologies.

Order Erbium (III) -oxide Er2O3 / TREO: 99.9%.

Erbium oxide
Other names: dierbium trioxide / erbium sesquioxide / erbium oxide (ambiguous)

Chemical formula: Er2O3
Molar mass: 382.52 g.mol ? 1
Physical state: solid
Density: 8.64 g cm ? 3
Melting point: 2344 ° C
Boiling point: 3920 ° C
CAS: 12061-16-4



