99.999% Gallium metal

Gallium is a silvery white, bluish, very soft metal. For metals, it has a very low melting point of 29.76 OC. Even if the temperature is subsequently cooled, the metal remains liquid for a period of time below its melting point.
Gallium is relatively coarse, dissolved in dilute acid under the action of hydrogen, and slowly dissolved in hot water. Due to passivation, no reaction occurs in cold water and concentrated nitric acid. It's very stable in the air. Gallium burns only in pure oxygen at high pressure. It reacts with halogen groups at room temperature to form corresponding halides. Gallium compounds and aluminum compounds show great similarity. Alloys with low melting point are formed in aluminum alloys, and they also react violently with water with low aluminum content.

The slow cooling of liquid gallium produces crystals. The slower the cooling process, the higher the cleanliness of gallium

Due to the rarity of the element, gallium is only used in a small amount in industry. Various gallium compounds and alloys are produced from most of the produced gallium. Gallium arsenide for solar cells and light-emitting diodes is of special importance. For this purpose, 2003% gallium was produced. It is also used as a material to supply silicon.

The wide temperature range and low vapor pressure of gallium as liquid are used to construct thermometers. The maximum operating temperature of gallium thermometer is 1200.

Gallium is used differently from alloys of other metals. Magnetic materials can be produced by alloying with G, Fe, y, Li and Mg. Vanadium alloy is a kind of superconductor, and its transition temperature is 16.8k. In nuclear weapons, it forms an alloy with P to prevent phase transformation. Many gallium alloys, such as examples of gallium, are liquid at room temperature and can replace toxic mercury or highly reactive sodium potassium alloys.

Gallium is suitable for the detection of solar neutrinos due to its low absorption threshold of 233.2 keV.

Toxicology and hazards
There is no toxicological data on gallium. However, gallium liquefies at body temperature and therefore has a corrosive effect. It is especially dangerous to the eyes, because liquid gallium can infiltrate the cornea and is difficult to clean. Gallium and its compounds have low acute toxicity. Gallium is used for dental allegiance. This application may cause allergic reactions.
Gallium is corrosive to other metals. In particular, aluminum will be strongly eroded by gallium, and its crystal structure will also be disturbed. Therefore, gallium should always be stored separately from other metals.
