99.999% Pure Molybdenum

Molybdenum is a heavy metal that is silvery white in lump form or grayish in color in powder form. The stretchable and polishable heavy metal is hard and brittle, but easy to work with. Molybdenum belongs to the group of refractory metals, i.e. high-melting metals, with a melting point of 2,617 ° C. Molybdenum is mainly mined in North and South America and China. The metal is mainly obtained as a by-product in copper production.
Molybdenum - a popular metal for high performance
The high melting and boiling point (4,639 ° C) as well as the good thermal conductivity with excellent dimensional stability make molybdenum so interesting for industrial applications, e.g. for melting furnaces, as a stirring tool and for tools in industrial use. Paired with high corrosion resistance, molybdenum offers you a high-performance material from which semi-finished products and tools with a long service life can be manufactured.

Molybdenum is processed into rods, wires, sheets and tubes, which are used, for example, in the lamp industry, in glass production, as components of jet engines, rockets and in high-temperature nuclear reactors.

At the same time, molybdenum offers good thermal conductivity with low thermal expansion. This means that molybdenum is also a popular material in semiconductor plate production or for power electronics.

Molybdenum alloys for targeted use
The material properties of molybdenum can be further specifically adapted using alloys. Molybdenum-alloyed steels, for example, increase their hardness, toughness and corrosion resistance considerably even with small Mo additions. Ferromolybdenum is used for this purpose: an iron-molybdenum alloy with 60-70% Mo. Apart from iron-molybdenum alloys, we offer a wide variety of alloys with copper, rhenium, chromium, lanthanum oxide, tungsten, niobium, tantalum or the remaining TZM alloy ( Titanium, zirconium, molybdenum). With the help of the alloys, density, melting point, toughness, thermal expansion and thermal strength as well as corrosion resistance can be further influenced. Inquire about your desired alloy without obligation or let us advise you on what is particularly suitable for your application.

Zirconium - highly technological and versatile
The metal with the chem. Atomic number 40, zirconium, is mainly used in compounds and alloys, but also has some practical properties as a pure substance.

The zircaloy mentioned above is, for example, the main component of the shells of uranium fuel elements in nuclear power plants. Here the element is characterized by an exceptionally high capture cross-section for thermal neutrons, as well as high corrosion resistance. This makes it suitable for the construction of chemical plants and especially for special parts such as valves, pumps, pipes or heat exchangers.

Zirconium is also suitable for the construction of incandescent lamps and vacuum systems, as it reacts with small amounts of oxygen and can therefore maintain the vacuum.

Zirconium alloys have a wide variety of uses
In addition to the best-known and most widespread alloy, Zircaloy, zirconium also gives other alloys valuable properties. As an addition to steel, for example, it increases the corrosion resistance, which is why surgical instruments are often made from such alloys.

Together with niobium, a superconducting alloy is created, which retains this property even under the influence of strong magnetic fields.

Basically, the addition of zirconium stabilizes an alloy and makes it more resistant.
